FY2021 Annual Report

 Whew!  What a year this has been! New location.  Global pandemic.  Snowpocalypse.  It was definitely one for the books! ACR’s Annual Report for FY2021 (April 1, 2020 - March 31, 2021) is our reflection on the events of the last year and where we go next.  We invite you to flip through its pages and celebrate what we have accomplished together.  

  • We diverted 222,000 pounds of donated creative materials from the landfill. That’s a total of 466 tons diverted to date! 
  • Although our center was closed to the public for a total of 242 days, we quickly pivoted to find new ways to get creative materials out to our community including a new online store, sidewalk sales and personal shopping.
  • We supported the artist community with two firsts - our first online Reuse Gallery and our first Outdoor Reuse Market.
  • Volunteers continued to generously share their time and talents, donating 7,797 hours in the center and from their homes.
  • And perhaps most importantly, we kept our entire staff fully employed during this challenging year and even offered paid time off for the first time.

You can read the full report here . The incredible support of our community allowed ACR to continue to put affordable creative materials back into the hands of artists, makers, students and more - and not in the landfill - during a year when creativity may have been needed most.  Thank you for making reuse dreams come true!


Volunteer Call! Reuse on the Runway: A Night of Fashion, Costume, and Drag


Artist Spotlight: Melanie Muenchinger