Fall Volunteer Recruitment Campaign: That's a Wrap!


And that's a wrap! ACR was started by volunteers, and for the first year the center was open, we were completely run by volunteers. Craft night was born from the love a volunteer and our fabric department is organized and run by volunteers. We utilize volunteers in every aspect of the organization, from processing to graphic design to programming. We can't do it without the love and time of our generous volunteers!

We're excited to announce that we met our goals for our recent volunteer recruitment campaign! We've onboarded 18 new core volunteers in the last 6 weeks and engaged 23 volunteer groups! Thank you to all of you that have made the leap to become a volunteer.


Don't worry if you haven't, it's not too late! You can fill out an application here. Wanting to just dip your toes in? Come to community volunteering! We have 3 weekly opportunities available, surely there's a good fit for everyone. We'll see you at ACR soon!



Volunteer Spotlight: Sandi Smith


Make: Felted Wool Mittens