Staff Spotlight: Cynthia Pauda


Each month we highlight one of the amazing staff members that makes the magic happen at Austin Creative Reuse. For November, it’s Center Operations Manager, Cynthia Pauda (she/her). She has helped with ACR’s efforts since earlier this year, and for that, we could not be more grateful. Continue reading below to learn more about her, and take a gander at the lovely soaps she makes!

How did you find Austin Creative Reuse?

I actually learned about ACR in my search for a job. However; when I was discussing places I was interested in, my friend told me all about ACR and how much she loves it! I was so excited to come check it out. 

What’s your favorite part about working at ACR?

My favorite part is tough to say. I absolutely love the people, both customers and staff. By far it has been the most fun place to work at. I love being able to see the cool stuff we get donated and learning about customers' different projects. 

Are you an artist, crafter, or maker? What mediums do you work with?

I make soap! My side business is all about being sustainable and eco friendly. We use all natural products and reuse jars and containers. It's refill style so you bring your jar and refill to your desired amount. 

What do you do when you’re not working at ACR?

When I'm not at ACR or making soap, I'm spending time curled up reading different types of books. I'm also spending time with my amazing little family! 

What’s the most interesting thing you’ve found in donation mountain?

I'd say one of the most interesting things I've personally found is a mini vinyl record keychain. It actually spun and made noise. It was my first ACR purchase! 

How can people get in touch with you or find out more about your creations?

@Soapontap on Instagram or :) 


Artist Spotlight: Jenny Lorraine


November Reuse & [Re]Think Contest: Jewelry Boxes