December 2012: Board of Directors Meeting

December 11, 2012 at 6:30pmDirectors Present: Angela, Harley, Rebecca, Kaci, Katy, KamiNovember Events ReviewEAST was a great success! Austinites who stopped by got to create their very own stencil bag out of bags donated by SXSW and stencils created out of file hanging folders! Everyone had a ton of fun!Fan Fest was small, but exciting! We made some great connections with the folks at the City of Austin and within the community. Those who stopped by our booth made postcards (out of cereal boxes) and refrigerator magnets (out of bottle caps and magazines).Appreciations for November EventsMajor appreciations to Katherine for creating the stencils for the bags at EAST! They turned out AMAZING. (Photos to come!) Also thanks to SXSW for donating the leftover canvas bags!So many thanks to the City of Austin Cultural Arts Division (especially Lani Golstab and Sue Lambe) for inviting us to participate in Fan Fest! Here's to many more collaborations!Last, but not least, crazy appreciations to the volunteers who showed up to donate their time, energy, and great stories to our events in October and November. We couldn't do this without your help!Volunteers NeededParticipating in EAST and Fan Fest really drove the notion home that we need to keep our volunteers engaged in our organization. With that in mind, we're continuing to look for ways to keep volunteers participating in an ongoing way. This will be especially important when we open our store front location (sometime in 2013).


Wood Scraps in Reuse


LA artist, Carolina Fontoura Alzaga reuses bike parts into these crazy beautiful chandeliers