Welcome New Austin Creative Staff!
Please join us in welcoming our next set of employees. Barb Paris has joined us as an AM Shift Lead and Casey Douglas, Michael Balot and Susan Bussard have joined us as Clerks. Their enthusiasm for Austin Creative Reuse’s mission, knowledge about crafting/art, patience and positive disposition reflect the values of Austin Creative Reuse.[wc_row][wc_column size="one-half" position="first"]
[/wc_column][wc_column size="one-half" position="last"]" Hi ! I am a mother a teacher and an artist. I taught art k-12 in public schools for 10 years and currently have my own after school program in Round Rock. I am the co-founder of Marmalade skies , an art studio in Austin TX, and helped to start the children's museums in New Braunfels and San Antonio. I was born in NYC raised in NEW Jersey and moved to Austin 20 years ago. My artwork is eclectic and is mostly large scale multi media paintings. Many of my large paintings are done on old used doors."[/wc_column][/wc_row]