July Volunteer Spotlight: Amaranda Hernandez


What motivates you to volunteer?I think it’s nice to give back to the creative community and help it grow.

Why ACR?I found out about ACR while looking for a place to buy more art supplies in the area. Once I visited the center, I was intrigued by the whole concept of reuse and conservation. I got in touch immediately after my visit, offering my skills as a graphic designer. I thought that the idea of reuse and recycling of materials and giving them new life through art was great. I wanted to be part of this community and help them spread their message to more people.

How long have you volunteered with ACR?I’ve been volunteering at ACR around a year.

Are you more into the arts aspect of ACR or the conservation aspect and why?As someone in the creative field, I love the arts aspect. But the reason I started to volunteer was the conservation aspect. I always thought that a lot of materials had the potential for a second life and finding a center that promoted that was what urged me to join the team.

Where else have you/do you volunteer?ACR is the first place I have volunteered!

What do you enjoy the most out of volunteering for ACR?I think what I enjoy the most about volunteering, is coming up with concepts and graphics for a variety of things, from Facebook event banners to posters for the center.

Do you have any interesting or funny stories about something that happened while you were volunteering at ACR?Since I’m usually working on the designs remotely I don’t have many stories of the center. But one amusing story was designing the donate poster that is currently placed on one of the windows. I had intended for the colors to be orange and turquoise. I doubled checked the files and it seemed like everything was set correctly before I sent over the final. When I actually saw it printed and posted on the window I was surprised to see that the turquoise had turned out a neon green instead! At least it matched the green dry-erase markers on some of the other flyers.

Thanks Amaranda for all you do to keep our center looking so great! <3 To learn about about becoming a volunteer click here.  


Tokens for Bags® Program Recipient


July Artist Spotlight: Glenda Lee