Sustainable Valentine’s Day Card Tutorial


Valentine’s Day is this week, so here’s a tutorial for a sincere way you can show your appreciation to your special person: a handmade card! With this tastefully simple design, you can reuse materials with elegance and ease.

Materials needed:

  • 1 sheet of 8.5in x 11in letter-sized paper

  • A paper cutter (or scissors and ruler)

  • 1 colored pencil (color of your choosing)

  • Enough buttons to fill a heart shape (20-25 should do it!)

  • Tacky glue

  • 1 A5 envelope (optional)

How to make it:

Step 1: Using the paper cutter or scissors and ruler, trim the paper down to 7in x 10in.

Step 2: Fold the paper hamburger style.

Step 3: Draw a heart outline on the front of the card and lightly fill it with colored pencil. This will determine where the buttons will go.

Step 4: Before gluing on the buttons, write your message on the inside of the card.

Step 5: Glue the buttons onto the front of the card within the heart shape, doing your best to evenly fill it in.

Step 6: Share your love!


Staff Spotlight: Hayden Wentworth


Artist Spotlight: Hannah Nussbaum