August 2013 Board Meeting

August 13, 2013 at 7pmDirectors Present: Harley, Rebecca, Angela, Katy, Cindy, LeslieSummer Yard SaleOur Summer Yard Sale in July was a complete succuess! We had 175 visitors and raised over $1,000 for Austin Creative Reuse. Even more importantly for Rebecca, we were able to clear out a bunch of material in her garage.

Austin Creative Reuse Summer Yard Sale

Austin Creative Reuse Summer Yard Sale

ReuseConex is coming to Austin in 2014!We're really excited to announce that  ReuseConex, the International Reuse Conference & Expo, will be coming to Austin in 2014! Austin Creative Reuse is serving on the Hosting Committee, helping with planning and promotion.August Craft Meetup CanceledThe first day of school is the same night as our Craft Night, so we've canceled it for August. We will resume in September!Tentative Upcoming DatesSept. 23 – Educators Material Drive + Craft Meetup – Location TBDOct. 13 – Tentative date for Educators Material Drive


Reusing Circuits and Old Computer Components


Fabric Trunk Show and Sale Event at Fabricker