Ubiquitous Cardboard Art

cardboard_sculptureUbiquitous cardboard.  It’s so functional, neutral and satisfyingly semi-structural.  It fulfils as both a 2-D and a 3-D material and can be used both as a maquette and as finished product.

While it is not ideal for a long-term outdoor sculpture, this artist is able to explore many surfaces, planes and angles beautifully with this material.  A front yard of a house in south Austin is the perfect place for a cardboard sculpture garden.laser-cutterUsually scissors or a utility blade are all that’s needed to cut most cardboard.  Well, the new hot cutter on the block is the laser.Here is the laser cutter at Austin’s Tech Shop in Round Rock at work on some custom thank you cards I designed and cut out of cereal boxes.The laser is also used in Agi Miagi’s corrugated lighting collection.  Agustina Rodriguez is the principal designer there and has a real eye and passion for re-purposing.  The cardboard in these fixtures act as a pathway for the glow to escape, and really ups the ante on this humble materialagi-miagiAnother unknown designer uses the edge of the cardboard as the diffuser, focusing the light and our attention to the internal cell structure of the cardboard.  This almost creates a “plywood” with the cardboard, which enhances its structure as well as its possibilities with your imagination.other-cardboard-light

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