Five Reuse Gift Giving Ideas (Part 1)

I know, I know. Gifting blog posts already? We're not even through Thanksgiving yet!Giving gifts you make yourself can take more time (but less money!) than a trip to a department store. It's a good idea to start now, if you plan to make all your pressies. Plus, we want you to be super prepared with crafts for after you stuff yourselves silly on Thanksgiving. Thoughtful, I know!Here are five great ideas for gift giving this holiday season!

1. Beaded CD Ornaments

Beaded CD Ornaments

2. Rolled Paper Flowers

Rolled Paper Flowers

 3. Album Cover Box

Album Box Cover

4. Pom Pom Necklace

Pom Pom Necklace

5. Cork Succulents

Succulents in Cork


Bubble Mailers Needed


What Can I Do With... Styrofoam