The difference between reduce, reuse, and recycle + Raise the Roof

raisetheroof-finalWhen was the last time you reexamined the phrase "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle"? Well, times have changed and it's worth a new look!Reducing is becoming aware of the excessive and the unnecessary and then minimizing your material consumption.Recycling gets the most publicity of the "Three R's" and we've made it pretty easy to do in our communities. Recycling is the process of taking old items (usually paper, plastic, glass, and metals) and re-manufacturing to make "new" products.Like recycling, reusing is a way to deal with "waste" – but it's way more fun! We define reusing as taking something that's ended its current lifecycle and putting it to a new use that doesn't require re-manufacturing (like with recycling). You might also call it upcycling.Can you look at an item and see its potential as part of something else, whether it's something beautiful or something practical (or both)? That's creative reuse! In supporting creative reuse, you help reduce the flow into the landfill just like recycling, but you also support resourcefulness, creativity, and community.This fall, we're asking you to think about your trash in a new way. We need a permanent community and retail space to help take Austin Creative Reuse to the next level. Become a supporter of a new #Austin and donate now. You'll even receive a handmade reuse gift as our way of saying thanks!


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