Do you think about the environment when you’re grocery shopping?Maybe you buy the bulk container of your favorite snack.  You know, the one that comes in the large plastic tub instead of smaller individually-sized plastic containers (ie. yogurt, nuts, animal crackers). You feel good that you made an environmentally-friendly choice since less material generally goes into larger containers compared to several small containers.But what happens when the container is empty? Do you dutifully throw it into the recycle bin?What if you spent one minute thinking about what else you could do with that container first? How can you give it a new life once it’s clean?Could you store rice or pasta in that large container instead of buying a dedicated pasta storage jar?Could you store leftover soup in that large yogurt container instead of buying new plasticware?Maybe your kids’ small toys would fit nicely in the large nuts container.Please accept our challenge to spend one minute thinking about alternative uses for your used items before you put them in the trash or recycle bin. Even if you don’t have a use for it, save it for Austin Creative Reuse! There are some amazingly creative people in Austin who want your stuff. 

We signed a lease!


Austin Creative Reuse Takes a Roadtrip!