If We Build it, They will Come!

We've had a very productive and enjoyable few weeks as we build out the center.  We added some great display fixtures from a local design warehouse closeout and have started working with  an interior designer and a decor specialist to create a long term plan for the design of the space.We've started the next levels of sorting of the materials going from basic category piles to grouping items into bins. We have set up our recycling area and have started weighing outgoing materials.  A local artist is installing our baseboards created from donated tiles and a decor specialist created some new display fixtures for us.We are so grateful for the volunteers that are helping make this possible.To continue to build out the space and to run the center, we have some items that we need. We've been scanning Craig's list and other options but would appreciate any assistance you can give to help us get these items.  Please check out our wishlist to see if you have an item that matches.

Seeking Fall Interns


considering diapers