the story of our sign

We were very excited to install our Center's sign this weekend, with help from most of my family and a little google-searching about mounting things to stucco. Hopefully it will make it easier for folks to spot our location on quiet Middle Fiskville Rd.Volunteer/husband Bryan puts in the final screw.Deciding on a sign was a bit of a balancing act (possibly I just have balance on the brain as I look at this photo of my husband on a ladder in flip flops). We wanted something that looked nice and was easy to spot, something in keeping with our mission and passion for reuse, and---as an all-volunteer nonprofit---something that wouldn't break the bank.Luckily, 'twas the season for the twice-annual Round Top antique bonanza. These events are a reusers paradise. There are fancy antiques, sure, but also buckets of rusty forks, fixtures from demolished buildings, and, increasingly, reuse artists and craftspeople showing off their skills.
You never know what you'll find among the acres of tents and barns, but prior experience suggested that old sign letters were to be had. It's an easy day-trip from Austin and hard to resist a visit in any case, so I was happy to have sign-shopping as an excuse to go. Within the first hour, I'd spotted dozens of cool reuse crafts and opportunities, and then, jackpot:letter alphabetA field full of letters just waiting to come home with me. I dragged all the A's, C's, and R's into a pile, picked out two good combinations, and it was all over but the stucco-mounting.

Celebrate National Reuse Day all week.


Halloween Decoration Ideas