What Can I Do with Paper?

As a student, I use paper almost everyday from writing lecture notes on loose leaf paper or in a journal to taking exams in a blue book or on a scantron. Even to just writing simple reminders on sticky-notes or reading a book for fun, I have never realized how much we rely on paper on a day-to-day basis. All of this paper will eventually end up in a recycling bin or in the trash. As of 2012, paper and paperboard contributed 30% of municipal solid waste, making them the largest components (EPA). However, on a better note, it has been estimated that the amount of paper ending up in landfills have been reduced in half (Paper Recycles).Reducing paper consumption by going digital is a great way to cut back on paper and save trees, but sometimes paper is needed for certain projects. So, instead of going to an office supply store or craft store for paper, head over to Austin Creative Reuse for all your paper needs! There is an abundance of colorful printer paper and decorative scrapbook paper over at the ACR store that you can use for any type of project.[gallery columns="2" ids="4491,4490,4492,4493"]In preparation for Austin Creative Reuse’s paper sale going on from Thursday, April 21, 2016 to Saturday, April 30th  here are creative ways to reuse paper products.

  • Calendars aren’t just meant for keeping track of the date. Once the year is over, just tear apart a calendar and frame your favorite picture to decorate walls with. Calendar sized pictures fit well in record frames.
  • Newspaper can be used multiple times after reading them. They make excellent wrapping paper, but they can also help make windows streak-free. They are also a good source of carbon for compost piles when shredded.
  • When I was a kid, my sister and I created paper dolls and made outfits for them with construction paper. Print out some paper doll templates and dress them up with paper with various prints and designs in shapes of shirts and pants.
  • Personalize greeting cards, stickers, and notepads by picking and choosing different types of paper.





Austin Creative Reuse visits Articulture