Welcome Austin Creative Reuse's first employees!

Please join us in welcoming our first employees.  Jen Mack has joined us as a PM Shift Lead and Caroline Caswell as a PM Clerk.  Both will be at the center for Tuesday night planned activities and weekday evening hours.  Their enthusiasm for Austin Creative Reuse's mission, knowledge about crafting/art, patience and positive disposition reflect the values of Austin Creative Reuse.JenMack

"I'm a mother, a gardener and a Texas transplant originally from the northeast.  I love helping my kids learn about the environment and spending time outside.  I am an amateur crafter and enjoy knitting, repurposing, cooking and sewing." Jen Mack



"Hello! I am very excited to be apart of the ACR Team. The people and objects that come through ACR are like hidden gems that cater to my odd niche needs. I create communal spaces of tenderness and sharing through serving tea, making plant medicine, tending to wild and weedy gardens, and creating artwork."  Caroline Caswell



Kodak Slide Carousel Crafting


Summer Crafts