Summer Crafts
Summer is in full swing, bursting with family outings, get togethers with friends, parties at home, and spontaneous travel plans!If you have plans to spruce up your kitchen, craft hand-made gifts for birthdays, baby showers, and weddings, or have neat hands-on ideas to do with friends, family, and children, come to ACR for all your craft needs!At Austin Creative Reuse Center, we have a range of summer crafts for you and your family, for cheap!Here are some quick and easy ideas:Make some headbands with your friends or children! All the materials you need are available at the ACR. Our affordable scrap packs allows you to make headbands from various fabrics, designs and colors.
Another activity is creating sleeping bags for your little kid's stuffed animals!!!!!! How cute is that? I know as a kid, I loved helping my Dadi sew things, and felt pretty grown up too! It can be totally easy and safe, especially with all the supplies we have waiting for you!
We also have numerous types of glues, bobby pins, and tools like pliers and scissors, so this next DIY bobby pin making activity is super straightforward.You could also make this beautiful hand-made pillow for a friend, family member, any loved one! We even have a sewing machine on sale, so if you find yourself without one, come and shop with us!Lastly, in honor of all the BBQs, picnics, and random baking you will be doing this summer, make some crafty and affordable hot pads, and with our range in fabrics, you will have some bright, flowery mittens, ready for summer fun!Thank you for stopping by our blog and keeping updated with all the ongoings at Austin Creative Reuse Center! If you or anyone you know has made a craft using supplies from our store, feel free to post it on social media and tag us! We'd be happy to give yall a shoutout!peace & love. x