5 ways to beat the Dog Day Blues while Austin Creative Reuse is closed
Need a reason to stay out of the 100+ temps? Already miss combing through treasures at ACR?Here’s 5 ways to beat the “Hotter than Hades” summertime blues while Austin Creative Reuse is closed:
- Stay inside and spend some time paring down your craft and office supplies. ACR would be thrilled for the donations, your storage areas will be under control, and you won’t have to break a sweat. It’s a win/win/win actually.
- If you do venture out, let it be for a good cause - start a neighborhood school supplies drive to help ACR get ready for back to school.
Suggested items are: Construction paper, art paper, glue sticks and bottles, boxes of crayons, markers, pens, pencils, rulers, markers, hi-lighters, pens, pencils, erasers, scissors, packaged notebook paper, composition and spiral notebooks.You can contact info@austincreativereuse.org to coordinate a drop-off time at the center from 7/20 to 8/2, or drop off when we reopen Wed. Aug. 3rd from 10 – 2pm.
3. Mark your calendar to come shop at ACR’s Back-to-School Tax-Free Days on Thursday, August 4th from 10 – 8 pm and Saturday, August 6th, from 10 – 3 pm. This is not just a back to school sale- Everything in the center will be tax free! We love you that much. 4. While ACR is on hiatus, grab some inspiration for future projects. You can find volumes of creative reuse ideas on our Pinterest Page . And if that’s not enough, here’s some great repurpose/upcycle blogs to check out. Pretty sure bet, we’ll have supplies on hand for your next great project.
5. Now’s a great time to think about becoming involved with Austin Creative Reuse - Read how to volunteer or join a committee.
Don’t have time right now? You can still help our center grow by making a financial donation – Austin Creative Reuse is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. We will put your money to good (re)use!