Board Meeting Summary, April 10, 2017

EVENTSACR is busy over the next month, and we could use more volunteers! Come check out our spin art booth at the Violet Crown Festival on May 6. Stop by the Center on 5/13, where we'll have activities as part of the West Austin Studio Tour. Our Art of Reuse Workshops continue. Mosaic artist Catherine Sonnenberg led a mosaic art session in April; Mary Kraemer will be leading a class in succulent shrines in May. Check the website for registration details.OPERATIONS AND GOVERNANCEThe Board members approved the employment of Isadora McKeon as Executive Director and Amelia Despre as Operations and Event Coordinator to further the organizations mission. In addition, the board approved the appointment of Jenn Evans to board. Jenn will head up the Sustainability Committee.


ACR welcomes our new board member, Jenn Evans


Board Planning Session March 2017 Highlights