Board Meeting Highlights - September 2017

Austin Creative Reuse is gearing up for numerous events over the next few months. Please check the website for details. ACR is putting some new actions into play, all in the name of  improving center operations and better serving our customers. We are exploring funding for additional staff time and asking center leads to share center updates with the board monthly. Donations and sales have remained very strong over the last few weeks, and staff will begin exploring weekly flash sales to move some merchandise. Our Executive Director has made new contacts, is working on some business donations, and spearheaded a successful application for an Art Space Assistance Program grant from the City of Austin to assist as we begin looking for a new location when our current lease expires July 2018. Members of the property review committee began a market search process to understand the current real estate market and to help identify key features that are available in the current market at what price points. 


Fall Letter From The Executive Director


ACR 2016 Annual Report