Volunteer Spotlight: Shiree Schade

 The next time you are in the Center, look at the baseboard. Shiree was the volunteer who created the tilework when the Center opened just over two years ago.One of the reasons Shiree volunteers for Austin Creative Reuse is because of the inspiration she receives. “The certainty that every time I show up for a shift at the store or a workshop or for that matter any of ACR's activities, I'll get to watch other people's creativity percolating and it will in turn amplify my own, oftentimes with things I've never thought of before.”Another reason is the vibrant energy that fills the Austin Creative Reuse Center emanating from the creativity flowing from the shoppers. Many discussions take place between shoppers, staff and volunteers looking to share ideas and suggestions. And sometimes unique knowledge. Shiree recalls; “I was working in the bucket area one day and ran across something in a barrel that caught my eye by virtue of my having no earthly idea what it was that I was looking at. Since I'm from Texas, I didn't hesitate to turn to the customers shopping in the area and start quizzing them on what it might be. It was a shoebox sized piece of brown fake fur in the shape of an X with webbing sewn into each arm of the cross, each ending in a shiny buckle. I was completely perplexed even though I like to think I'm pretty good at the ‘What on earth is this?’ game. Finally, one customer I asked said without hesitation, ‘Why that's a ferret hammock. That's what you put in their cage for them to sleep in!’ And she wasn't joking! I was absolutely thrilled”.In addition to being a volunteer and shopper, she is also a donor to the Center. “I think my greatest joy comes from bringing an item in to donate and then seeing it shortly thereafter in a shopper's hand while they're chatting excitedly about it to others. For example, I recently brought in an old decrepit mirror ball so someone might could use it for parts and not five minutes later I overheard a woman on a cell phone excitedly telling her husband about it and how they might incorporate it in a project they were working on - just what she needed, she said! That really tickles me - seeing something get a new life.”


Fall Board Planning Session - 2017 October


Fall Letter From The Executive Director