February Craft Night - Slide Carousels and More!
If you have been back in our bucket section lately, you will know we have tons of slide carousels. We've been searching for something fun to do with them and our Crafter in Chief, Shiree Schade came up with a doozy.
Start with a slide carousel (or anything sturdy and round) as a base, and add just about anything else that stringy or shiny to create your very own objet d'art suitable for hanging inside or out. Only using materials from our bucket section, all the makers in attendance created their own one of a kind hanging fixture. It's amazing with just a bit time, imagination and a working glue gun, what you can make. So next time you find yourself at Austin Creative Reuse, take a serious stroll though our bucket section and find some inspiration of your own!Our Monthly craft nights are open to all volunteers but seating is limited. Best way to find out about our next craft night is to sign up for our volunteer newsletter. The newsletter will also let you know about all the other fabulous volunteer opportunities at Austin Creative Reuse.