Our monthly craft night always focus on materials that are easily found in our wonderful "bucket" section.  Bucket is a treasure chest full of amazing materials and absolutely the best deal in our Reuse Center which is just cram packed with nothin' but deals. .                          This month, we focussed on the cool paper and tiny trinkets that are always available in bucket.  Our Crafter in Chief, Shiree Schade, come up with  beautiful folded stars, but then kicked it to the next level by adding just a bit more glitz.  What a wonderful gift topper, ornament, or just something pretty to hang in a window.    Sign up for  our Volunteer Newsletter email to find out about the next Craft Night.  Our Monthly Craft Material is always a surprise  so you never know what will be on tap for the night!  


All at Once


Board of Directors Meeting Summary, 2018 February