January Volunteer Spot light: Sarah Humphries

Sarah Humphries

What motivates you to volunteer?Nonprofits have been a part of my life for the past 20 years.  I enjoy giving back to the community for causes I believe in. Also, for the fabric! I enjoy making garments to wear from my fabulous fabric finds. Why ACR?From the moment I first walked in the door, I felt I had stepped into a Magical, Crafting Wonderland, and immediately wondered, “Will they let me live here?” Since that’s not an option, I went with the next best thing: volunteering. Having worked for nonprofits and volunteered at other organizations, I have never experienced anywhere that treats its volunteers as well as ACR. How long have you volunteered with ACR?I began volunteering this past summer, but because of the welcoming nature of the ACR staff and other volunteers, it feels like I have been here for years. Are you more into the arts aspect of ACR or the conservation aspect and why?Both! While I really enjoy the crafting aspect, I also love there is a place for us to donate items that we may no longer need or want that keeps a lot of reusable items out of the landfill. Where else have you/do you volunteer?In the past, I have volunteered at downtown food pantries and serving meals to the homeless. Currently, working full time, raising a teenager daughter, and running marathons (slowly), I focus my volunteer time at ACR. What do you enjoy the most out of volunteering for ACR?First and foremost, the people. It’s a great group of diverse people who bring so much knowledge and talent to the organization. The time I spend with the other volunteers is often the highlight of my day. It’s often like therapy, great company, and even sometimes a comedy show all in one.Secondly, all the eclectic things that come through the store. I mean where else are you going to come across a plastic foot, a sequined dress, and a bucket of hinges all in one store?Also, hearing all the fascinating and creative ways people are using the items they buy. Do you have any interesting or funny stories about something that happened while you were volunteering at ACR?I love the Thursday afternoon fabric rolling parties. Somehow I have become the official model for any garments that may come through. From cave person to fringed cowboy pants to what may have been a magician’s jacket, it’s the Thursday ACR fashion show.Thanks for all you do to keep Austin creative Reuse ROLLIN' Sarah!!  


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