Local Artist Spotlight: Tessa Gonzales

Tessa Gonzales

How did you start doing art and what is your preferred medium?I was born into it! My mother is an artist, a painter, and all around creative spirit. We struggled financially when I was young, but we always created. It didn't matter if it was a car, a wall, a patch of dirt, or what you wore it was always customized in some way. I took to sewing and textile arts as a rebellion from my mom's traditional arts. She had no patience for it, since for her it brought to mind memories of Home Ec along with mysterious and musty button filled cookie tins. I can't get enough of it! It's tactile, uses math, and has so many avenues to explore that I feel like I could never exhaust myself. My Nonnie gave me my first sewing machine when I was 4, and I just never stopped. What drives your creative spirit these days?The sewing and creative community has always been where my heart lies. I teach classes, I strive connect creatives that I think would mesh well together, and I love to encourage others to create. It sparks that energy in me that makes me want to keep making.How does reuse play a part in your art?I grew up below the poverty line during some pretty crucial parts of my development. These were the times where I was getting a grip on who I was as a person. I was compelled to express myself as an individual. This gave me a real appreciation for the possibilities that could be found at the thrift shop, in hand me downs, and in the power of a tube of paint or a bottle of dye. If you really loved something why not find ways to keep it fresh and make it last as long as possible? If you want it, then you make it. Buying something fancy or new just wasn't on the table, and when I realized my own capabilities I didn't want the same things that just anyone could also have. What compels you to donate to ACR?When I donate to ACR, I know that it's all going to be a part of the creative community that I love. I know that someone will look at an item with fresh eyes and create something with it. I love knowing that I'm contributing to someone's vision, and maybe they light up when they see what I donated the way I light up when I find an old cookie tin full of buttons.Do you have a favorite ACR find? What did you do with it?I've found SO many treasures at ACR! How do I pick a favorite?!? Last year, I was able to get my coverstitch machine there that I love so much. It really upped my sewing game with knits, and it came to me at exactly the right time I needed it. Another time, I rushed to ACR after a new arrivals post just in time to get yardage of Japanese linen that was in perfect condition. I don't know what was more exciting, rushing there to see if it was still in stock or the happiness of actually being able to snatch it up! I have plans for that one come summertime.   Where can we find out more about your art?I have a website TheFabricker.com, but I'm most active on Instagram @TheFabricker. I teach sewing classes, and that's a great way to check out upcoming classes and news about me. Thanks for all you do to keep Austin creative Tessa!!           


FY2018 Annual Report


Reuse and Rethink Challenge: February