May Volunteer Spotlight: Virginia Van Hoogstraten

The majority of the donations processing is done by volunteers here at the center. We'd like you to meet one of the special folks behind all this hard work. Read about why Virginia feels "volunteering at ACR has also made her more aware of needless waste" and why she likes volunteering at ACR!
What motivates you to volunteer?
I love the people and the mission of ACR
Why ACR?
I was new to the area, and looking for a volunteer job. The 1st time I went to ACR as a customer, within minutes, I knew it was the place. It's just so fabulous. It has been a great way to meet like minded people in the area.
How long have you volunteered with ACR?
3 years.
Are you more into the arts aspect of ACR or the conservation aspect and why? I have to say both. What's better than making art out of something discarded?
Where else have you/do you volunteer?
I was a volunteer Master Gardener in Illinois.
What do you enjoy the most out of volunteering for ACR?
I really enjoy going every week, these people are my tribe. I also have blast co-hosting craft night every month. Being around other creative people is very inspiring. Volunteering at ACR has also made me more aware of needless waste in my own daily life, and ways to keep improving.
Thanks for all you do to keep our center looking amazing!

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