June Artist Spotlight: Kyle Hawley

Kyle Hawley

How did you start doing art and what is your preferred medium?I started seriously pursuing art when my grandmother put a pair of knitting needles in my hands at the age of 5. Currently, I still love to knit and sew, but works on paper are my biggest outlet. Generally, I love combining multiple processes. I start with a photograph or sketch and then turn to printmaking for the final piece. What drives your creative spirit these days? The three pillars of Letterpress PLAY are community, sustainably and PLAY. All of these are deeply meaningful topics for me to explore through my work.How does reuse play a part in your art?All of Letterpress PLAY paper toys are designed to create no mess and zero waste. My goal is to create an activity that is doable in a small window of time and the maker spends more time creating and less time cleaning up.What compels you to donate to ACR?ACR helps us tell new stories by way of already told or unfinished narratives.Do you have a favorite ACR find? What did you do with it?Places like ACR have always been at the heart of my creative process. My grandmother would take me to what she called the 5 & 10 and I would pour over the collection of unrelated treasures. I was weaving together a new story by wandering through the isles and taking in color, shape and typography.Where can we find out more about your art? www.letterpressplay.com

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