June Volunteer Spotlight: Elizabeth Lundquist

   What motivates you to volunteer?It is good for those capable to volunteer to help this world and make it a better place.Why ACR?ACR provides such a valuable service for so many reasons. It is a place to be able to donate craftand office supplies. It keeps these items out of the landfill. And it is a very affordable place topick up craft supplies for something new. You can donate craft supplies to places such asGoodwill, but I don’t see them out for resale so ACR does a much better job of getting the itemsback into circulation. I feel better about moving on my supplies for crafts I no longer do.Someone else can have fun with the supplies (at a very reasonable price). It then allows me tofeel free enough to pick up new (to me) supplies for a different craft. ACR is a wonderful place.How long have you volunteered with ACR?I have been an Open volunteer for about 9 months or so, with the last 3 being a core volunteer.Are you more into the arts aspect of ACR or the conservation aspect and why?I am mainly on the Arts side of the house, but since volunteering there, I am learning more andmore about conservation which I find very interesting. Other volunteers talk about conservationtoo on items not collected by ACR and I enjoy learning about that too.Where else have you/do you volunteer?Since retiring last year, I have also volunteered at Capital Area Food Bank.What do you enjoy most about volunteering at ACR?Several things:Love it when I hear what someone can do with ‘that thing’ and be creative with it.Love it when someone finds an item that just makes their piece sing.Very friendly staff and volunteers work at the center.Love that we can shop the store on the days we volunteer.Love that as we are sorting or packaging the donated items for the sales floor, we watch out foritems that might be of interest to the other volunteers or ourselves.Fun finding items and then walking out with spending so very little.Do you have any interesting or funny stories about something that happened while you were volunteering at ACR?My first volunteer day, I came across two people from my quilting past. Very nice, funny, caring,creative women. Nice to see familiar faces. Then a few weeks later, another volunteer came upto me and mentioned she volunteers with my sister at the Lady Bird Wildflower Center. Such asmall world !I also liked it when a sequined long dress had been donated and staff member, Kat, was able towear it to the Holiday party. She is our designated model for clothes received. Thanks Elizabeth for all you do to keep our center looking amazing! <3 To learn about about becoming a volunteer click here.


July Reuse and Rethink: Create a Fun in the Sun Hat


Half Off Buckets June 6th - July 4th