August Artist Spotlight: Celina Ferencz


How did you start doing art and what is your preferred medium?

I've always spent my free time doing creative things such as sewing, making jewelry, drawing or crafting, but I fully embraced life as an artist studying art history in undergrad and then costume design years later in a competitive graduate program. That led me to a career in costumes where I get to do a variety of things with clothing and fabric every day. I worked as a shopper in New York and the exposure to amazing fabrics and trimmings available opened up my eyes and imagination to the endless possibilities of creating with fabric. 

What drives your creative spirit these days?

In my line of work, I am always surrounded by clothing, either buying it or organizing it or dressing people in it. I'm also obsessed with fabric, so just looking at different patterns and textures gets my creative juices flowing. I'm constantly inspired.For the past year or so, I have really gotten into designing and sewing for myself. After years of making things for other people, I've found it to be extremely rewarding to make special pieces just for me! I love the challenges of sewing and the sense of accomplishment I feel when someone compliments me on a piece I've made. It is so satisfying for me to make an article of clothing that I can wear to work no matter what challenging weather conditions or terrain we might be faced with, and feel like I'm wearing a functional, comfortable, cute garment (with pockets) that also fits me perfectly. I finally made it a priority to sew for myself and now I just can't stop, momentum is driving me. 

How does reuse play a part in your art?

I've always loved thrift stores and the concept of reusing and recycling. My first stop when looking for fabric is ACR and local thrift stores. Not only do I save money, help the planet and give life to something that would otherwise end up in a landfill, wearing a unique piece that has history, mystery and a story behind it really fills me with pride. Added bonus- I have much less guilt overall if the project doesn't work out! 

What compels you to donate to ACR?

Since I've discovered ACR, my fabric collection has really grown, but my storage area has not. I have gotten so many great bundles of fabric from ACR, I feel like I want to give back! Also, I just love the concept. Being creative and making art shouldn't be an expensive endeavor, and I love that ACR makes that magic accessible to lots of people, while also providing a place for us to pass along materials that might not have been a perfect fit for a specific project but shouldn't be thrown out. I love the feeling of sharing, inspiration and community that ACR provides.  

Do you have a favorite ACR find? What did you do with it?

Oh gosh- there are so many! If I had to choose, I would say it's gotta be this amazing vintage green plaid wool that I grabbed on a whim. I made a unique coat and I absolutely love it and I'm really proud of my pattern matching! (pic included) 

Where can we find out more about your art?

Instagram! I am at celinasews :)I post a mix of current sewing projects, fabric finds, and pretty much anything sewing related, as well as behind the scenes moments from my costuming world that I think are funny, disturbing, surprising and real. People tend to think that the film industry is all glamour, but it is really hard work and there is so much that goes into costuming a show- it's fun to share bits and pieces of that world when I can.  


August Reuse and Rethink: Sewing Pattern Envelopes


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