August Volunteer Spot Light: Carol Trapani

We have so many ways to get involved with ACR. Besides processing donations, we love when our volunteers want to contribute in a more specialized manner. Read more about how Carol donates her time and talents below.

What motivates you to volunteer?

Now that I’m retired, I think it’s important to spend time supporting causes I believe in.

Why ACR?

I find the recycling of creative materials very relatable for me. I think the idea is genius!

How long have you volunteered with ACR?

I’ve been volunteering at ACR about 18 months.

Are you more into the arts aspect of ACR or the conservation aspect and why?

I’m a real craft person so the arts aspect of ACR is what drew me in and continues to fuel my creativity.

Where else have you/do you volunteer?

I have also volunteered at Settlement Home and St. Louise House.

What do you enjoy the most out of volunteering for ACR?

I enjoy the other volunteers and staff, as well as scouting out items to purchase.

Do you have any interesting or funny stories about something that happened while you were volunteering at ACR?

Another volunteer, knowing that I’m from New Orleans, made me a fleece blanket of New Orleans Saints fabric. I was very touched by that thoughtful gift!

Thanks Carol for all you do to keep our center looking so great! <3 To learn about about becoming a volunteer click here.


How to Love your Reuse Center


August Reuse and Rethink: Sewing Pattern Envelopes