September Volunteer Spotlight: Deedy Woolard


What motivates you to volunteer?

An opportunity to do something positive for individuals who need help and causes I feel strongly about.

Why ACR?

Since I was coming in every week to shop, a staff member suggested I might want to volunteer. Since I was retired and had the time and when you volunteer you get to shop early, it sounded like a good idea!! The fact that the goal of ACR positively effected the environment was a bonus.

How long have you volunteered with ACR?

I think 2 to 3 years. Some times when the fabric donations have piled up, it seems like a lifetime.

Are you more into the arts aspect of ACR or the conservation aspect and why?

Both. By buying a large percentage of my craft supplies and creating projects based on items I find here I’m feeding my art aspect and at the same time I’m able to conserve and help the environment.

Where else have you/do you volunteer?

I have done the same Meals on Wheels route on Tuesday for 14 years. I love it and hope to continue for another 14 years.

What do you enjoy the most out of volunteering for ACR?

The people. The staff and fellow volunteers are great. I feel like we are one big happy family.

Do you have any interesting or funny stories about something that happened while you were volunteering at ACR?

About a year ago a volunteer started helping us with fabric on Monday mornings. At first game of the UT volleyball season there she and her husband were sitting a few seats down in the row in front of us. We discovered we all had had those seats for several years but didn’t know we were ACR volunteers.. Small world?!? Also if anything UT shows up at ACR, staff and many of the volunteers immediately let me know.

Thanks Deedy for all you do to help keep our center looking so great! <3

Find out more about becoming a volunteer here


October Artist Spotlight: Jane Burson


Annual Report FY2018