October Volunteer Spotlight: Tish McKernan



What motivates you to volunteer?

While volunteering, I get interact with amazing folks in my local community. I share my talents and skills in numerous ways in the places I volunteer. There are so many wonderful opportunities in ATX to get involved.... anytime we get a chance, our family gives back in terms of resources or volunteer time!

Why ACR?

I've enjoyed visiting, volunteering, and attending workshops at reuse centers all over the US for many years..... When we moved to Austin in 2011, I eagerly watched the beginnings of ACR and couldn't wait to support their efforts! I love the way ACR educates the community (individuals and businesses) to recycle, reuse and re-purpose those things in their daily lives....so much opportunity in this area!

How long have you volunteered with ACR?

I am going on my 2nd year as a Core Volunteer with ACR!

Are you more into the arts aspect of ACR or the conservation aspect and why?

Both! I am a mixed media, textiles/collage loving artist who finds so much inspiration amongst the treasures at ACR. I am also thankful for a place where I can donate items I no longer need that will be well loved by others. I value ACR's mission to support educators by offering them inexpensive gently used classroom supplies (rather than buying new) and sharing projects using reuse materials in our local classrooms...

Where else have you/do you volunteer?

My family volunteers with our local school events (band, PTO etc.!) By far our favorite agency to volunteer with is the Central Texas Food Bank as well as their upcoming ATX Empty Bowl Project. We are huge supporters of local agencies advocating for children in Foster Care and encouraging/supporting those who Adopt.

What do you enjoy the most out of volunteering for ACR?

I have to admit I love finding new materials each week to feed my creative pursuits.... ACR is always bustling with excited shoppers. I love asking our customers what items are giving them inspiration or what they plan to use the materials for that they are purchasing...... Getting to pick up donated materials from businesses in our community allows me to share the vision of ACR too!

Do you have any interesting or funny stories about something that happened while you were volunteering at ACR?

Not that I can think of :)

Thank you so much, Tish, for all that you do to help Austin Creative Reuse grow!  Stay tuned to see our next Volunteer Spotlight, and please visit  the Get Involved section of our website if you’re interested in becoming a  volunteer.


November Artist Spotlight: Carmen Rangel


Austin Reuse Weekend 2019