January Artist Spotlight: Aren Salazar

How did you start doing art?

I've been interested in the arts since I could remember. Growing up I was lucky to have parents that let me be creative in some way. As a kid I remember always drawing up outfits in class, which then led me to go to high school that had a fashion design program. I decided to change things up and go to college for photography, as it was something I also loved. But after graduating college and working a boring 9-5 job I noticed my creative drive just went away and decided I needed to do something small that would help me get back in the groove. So after getting a sewing machine back in my hands and visiting ACR for the first time and seeing there was a TON of smaller pieces of fabric that people would donate I realized that could still make something out of those scraps. Resulting in scrunchies!

What is your preferred medium?

This is a though question as I love to work with so many mediums! Right now my preferred medium is fabric for scrunchies. But I also use ACR to find images/ magazines/ books for collages and random beads/ sequins for makeup looks.

What drives your creative spirit these days?

To be quite honest other than the people around me and simply walking into place like ACR I would have to say that the boringness of my job is what drives my creative spirits, haha! It's really not something that I want to be doing everyday for the rest of my life so it's been pushing me to be more creative to eventually be able to do something else that's more creative for a living!

How does reuse play a part in your art?

I strictly only use fabrics that have been donated to ACR to make scrunchies. I only get smaller pieces of fabric so that im helping get rid of scraps and so that there's only 2-4 scrunchies of each fabric made making them unique!

What compels you to donate to ACR?

I mean what wouldn't compel anyone to donate to ACR? I do so because you never know what someone else can make with what you think is trash and because it is a place that inspired me to start creating again!

Do you have a favorite ACR find? What did you do with it?

Aside from all of the AWESOME fabrics I've found I would have to say my favorite find was a cute yellow thread organizer! And kinda self explanatory on what I did with it..

Where can we find out more about your art?

All of my scrunchies can be found on instagram at @scruncharenscrunch and/or @dancearendance  We are so glad to have you in our community, Aren! Thanks for all you do to help keep Austin looking so fabulous!


ACR helps local schools repurpose more than 500 pounds of empty markers


December Volunteer Spotlight: Valerie Harrington