We're Reopening!

When we closed our doors on March 15th, we thought it would be two weeks before we could reopen again. We had no idea that 5 months later, we would still be in the midst of a global pandemic, with no end in sight. The team at Austin Creative Reuse has been incredibly adaptive during these strange times - quickly opening up an online store, offering custom orders via virtual video conferencing, and hosting sidewalk sales multiple times a week. Despite all these new services, we know it hasn’t been enough to serve the needs of our entire community. After much careful consideration, we have decided to reopen the doors to our center on Thursday, August 20th We know that not everyone is comfortable venturing out into public spaces, which is why we will continue to offer our online store with curbside pickup, and custom orders via Zoom. However, we will discontinue our sidewalk sales upon reopening.  Health and safety has always been at the forefront of our decision making process, and we’ll be taking several precautions to minimize risk and exposure for our staff, volunteers, and you - our loyal customers and supporters.  If you are feeling ill, caring for someone who is ill, or have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID in the past 14 days, we ask that you postpone your visit to ACR. 

  • Limited Hours: We’ll be open during the following times:
    • Mon - Wed: CLOSED
    • Thurs & Fri: 10AM - 8PM
    • Sat: 11AM - 8PM
    • Sun: 12PM - 6PM
    • Curbside pickup will remain available from 10AM - 4PM, 7 days a week
  • At-Risk Shopping Hour: We will reserve an hour each week specifically for those who are at risk.
    • Sat: 10AM - 11AM
  • Limited Entries: We will limit the number of customers in the center to 20 people at a time. Entry will be first come, first served. If we are at capacity, you will be asked to queue outside the center in a socially distanced line.
  • Masks Required - No Exceptions: In the best interest of everyone’s health and safety, we are not allowing shoppers in without a mask. We understand some people may have conditions preventing them from being able to wear one, however, we have other ways to access our services through online shopping and custom orders. For a nominal fee, we're happy to pull together items for you to pick up curbside, in order to minimize your risk and exposure.
  • Contact Tracing: All customers will be asked to provide a name and email address or phone number upon entry. We value your privacy and will only use your contact information in the event of a known exposure.
  • Other Health and Safety Measures: Customers will be required to have their temperature taken and sanitize their hands prior to entering the center. You will also be required to keep at least 6 feet of distance from others while shopping inside.
  • Material Donations: We will continue to accept donations by appointment on Wednesdays, and walk up donations will be accepted Sundays from 12PM - 6PM. Donations outside these times will politely turned away.
  • Frequent Cleaning and Sanitation: Prior to reopening, we will have a professional sanitation company perform a deep cleaning of the center. We are also sanitizing surfaces and high touch areas at least twice daily and providing frequent hand washing breaks for our staff and volunteers.

 We are eager to share our new space with you! Our appreciation and gratitude goes out to each of you for your patience, support, and understanding during this time. We’ll see you soon!


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Make Champagne Cork Mushrooms