August Reuse and Rethink Winner: Mimi A

This month, we challenged you to rethink the versatile slide carousel. We're pleased to announce our winner, Mimi A! We were very impressed by Mimi's ability to think outside the carousel and make it into something completely reimagined and new to us. Using a variety of reused and repurposed materials, Mimi created a lighthouse with a working light. "My family really likes this piece of art. My husband is creating a space for it to be seen permanently and my daughter-in-law said this is her favorite piece that I've created."Materials Included:

  • old lazy susan (base)
  • rocks from the yard and ACR
  • white rocks from Dollar Tree
  • glitter snow (from ACR for the path to the light house and just a few specs in the water)
  • Paint medium from Dollar tree
  • Mika powders (from old craft kits used for the water)
  • paint (from ACR)
  • paper scraps (from ACR used for the windows and railing)
  • slide show carousel (gallery - what the sailor is standing in/on)
  • inner piece of 2 slide show carousels (the piece connected to the gallery)
  • old foam paint brush (door)
  • paper cup for lantern
  • old tea light from a pumpkin decoration
  • old plant pots
  • boat, oars, and mermaid (from old craft kits)
  • lego sailor

 Thank you to everyone else for your ideas and submissions! As always, your creativity inspires us![ngg src="galleries" ids="11" display="basic_thumbnail" thumbnail_crop="0"]  


Make a Wrist Pincushion


September Artist Spotlight: Jennie Tudor Gray