October Volunteer Spotlight: Ericka Laborde

Each month, we highlight one of the incredible people from our volunteer community. This month, we're excited to feature Ericka Laborde, who has been helping out regularly in the center the past few months, sorting the mountains of material donations that we receive each week. We appreciate all of Ericka's contributions and we're happy to announce that she has recently joined our team as a Reuse Specialist! Be sure to welcome her when you see her around the center! What motivates you to volunteer? I believe we can make a difference by volunteering with causes that we believe in. There are so many ways to make the future brighter for everyone if we just give a little of our time, money, and resources. Why ACR? I really love the community of ACR. The people who work there are so great and the mission statement really speaks to me. Being thoughtful about how we reuse and making sure that we give a second life to items we no longer use anymore is so impactful. I also love knowing that these art supplies and other reuse items can more easily get into the hands of people that may not have had a chance before! How long have you volunteered with ACR? I started volunteering just back in August, but have definitely donated supplies for about 3 years now, since I moved to Austin. Are you more into the arts aspect of ACR or the conservation aspect and why?Is this a trick question? Haha. I am very much into both aspects of ACR. I love buying second hand for my crafting projects or just wandering around the store, seeing what new mediums I can try out. I love knowing that I can make something from reusable items, not adding more into the world, but using what has already been made. Where else have/do you volunteer? For right now, I have not volunteered anywhere else, but that will change soon. I am using my volunteer time at ACR as a jumping off point to look into other organizations I can get involved with. What do you enjoy the most out of volunteering at ACR? I love knowing that I’m helping the environment and our community by getting reusable items back into the imaginative minds who shop and work at ACR. I love being able to see all of the different items that get donated to ACR and seeing what people make with them! Do you have any interesting or funny stories about something that happened while you were volunteering at ACR?It’s always interesting to see what is being donated in the center! I’m either in awe at the wonderful donations coming through or cracking up at the funny little items that ACR workers find! 


Staff Spotlight: Barbara Paris


Reuse Gets Creepy This Halloween! 🧟‍♂️🤡💀