Staff Spotlight: Deanna Carrillo

 Each month, we highlight one of our dedicated ACR staff members so you can get to know the folks behind your favorite reuse center! This month, it’s Shift Lead and merchandiser extraordinaire, Deanna Carrillo. See her favorite picks at the center’s Creation Station, along with materials and a tutorial for making a laminate art journal! How did you find Austin Creative Reuse?I was on the mailing list for Zero Landfill, and they mentioned that ACR was opening a retail store. I checked it out and was hooked right away. I love trying to find new uses for things instead of throwing them away, but using them to make art is even cooler. You always end up with something unique. What’s your favorite part about working at ACR?I love seeing the variety of donations that come in. You never know what you’re going to find. Sometimes it even requires some detective work just to figure out what something is! That’s one of my favorite things. Are you an artist, crafter, or maker? What mediums do you work with?Yes. I make jewelry using traditional metalsmithing techniques, but I also dabble in everything else. I’ve tried papermaking, candlemaking, collage, painting, drawing, sewing, stamp carving, mixed media, mosaics, stained glass, you name it. What do you do when you’re not working at ACR?Lately I’ve been messing around with found object art. Mostly finding the objects. Hopefully the art part will happen eventually. The rest of the time I like to hang out with my husband and our three cats. What’s the craziest thing you found in donation mountain?Well, I found a salesman’s sample of an outdated model of artificial hip hardware, ball and socket and all. 

Make a Laminate Art Journal

Turn laminate samples into a portable art journal! Experiment with different mediums and textures to kickstart your creativity or use as a reference for projects! See how reuse specialist Deanna uses laminate samples to try different materials in the center and see what she can create. Creativity doesn’t have to be intimidating - try new things and have fun!   

About Deanna

I am fascinated with upcycled, reused, and vintage things. My favorite kind of art is anything that involves items that have been reimagined for something other than their original purpose, and I use them in the jewelry I make as well. I love hearing about the things our customers are making with the stuff they get at ACR. 

Make a Luminary


Outdoor Holiday Market