May Reuse & Rethink Challenge: Trash Flowers

We all know how the saying goes… April showers bring May flowers! During wildflower season in Texas, barren road medians turn into lush fields of blues and reds. Highway shoulders that would normally go unnoticed become photo ops for friends, families, and pets trying to get that perfect shot surrounded by the fleeting blooms. This month, we challenge you to find beauty in the unconventional by using other materials to create unique, one-of-a-kind flowers! The bucket section of ACR is a treasure trove of items waiting to blossom into a beautiful bouquet of reuse!  Artist and ACR Board Member Calder Kamin uses everyday trash to create worlds of flora and fauna that attract the eye and spark the imagination of the next generation. How can you rethink household trash to become a magnificent flower? Img credit 

  • Materials must be reused
  • The submissions will be judged on three qualities: creativity, workmanship, & use of reused materials
  • Submissions must be made on or before the deadline



When you’ve completed your creation, please provide at least 2 photos of your art piece, your contact info (including social media handles if you'd like us to tag you if you win) and a short description of materials used. Email your submission to 


One winner will be notified and receive a $10 Gift Card to ACR. They will also be announced on our social media! 

Deadline: Monday, May 31st, 2021

 Please feel free to email with any questions. Good luck!


Make: DIY Micro-Landscape


Volunteer Spotlight: Katherine Kraus