Staff Spotlight: Bee Cortez

 Each month, we feature one of the incredible staff members who help make the magic happen at ACR. This month, it’s Reuse Specialist Bee Cortez! Bee’s buzzing personality and aptitude for reuse has made them an integral part of the ACR team. Read more about Bee below and see his DIY Cat Toys tutorial!  How did you find Austin Creative Reuse?I found ACR through one of UT’s college job search thingies. It seemed extremely interesting and I had heard about ACR before the pandemic from one of my professors. I decided to give it a shot! In retrospect, I’m very glad I did. :) What’s your favorite part about working at ACR?One of my favorite parts of working at ACR is meeting the people that are in our community. There are so many wonderful people and artists that are extremely kindhearted and easy to talk to. I’ve always struggled with my creativity, but working here has motivated me more than ever to keep crafting.  Are you an artist, crafter, or maker? What mediums do you work with?All of the above! I love to think I’m a jack of many trades, but my favorites are sculpture, painting, and drawing. I usually use art as a therapeutic source of comfort, but since working at ACR I’ve been able to expand that and really let my creativity flow! I’ve gotten back into sewing and dived into jewelry making, but I have too many hobbies and need to chill. (Lol) What do you do when you’re not working at ACR?Now that the semester is over, I use my time to relax and keep crafting. I have tons of shows and books to catch up on, and too many animes to finish. I’m so behind on everything! So when I’m not sleeping I’m doing something of the above, or maybe playing video games.  What’s the craziest thing you found in donation mountain?I think its always wild when I find personal postcards, letters, and photos. They’re usually always between partners or family members and very sweet.  

About Bee:

Bee Cortez (they/them/theirs)Bee moved from Houston to Austin to attend school at UT for Studio Art. They have always enjoyed all things crafty and artistic, leading them to pursue their degree in the field. They love to try new mediums and spend their free time completing projects, gardening, and cuddling their two cats.Find them on instagram @biankahbear    


Summer Reuse Market Wrap Up & Fall Vendor Applications Open!


Make: DIY Cat Toys!