Our Bucket Section Sprung a Leak!


For the past 9 years, our Fill a Bucket/By the Bucket/Bucket section has been a staple of our creative reuse center. It has been used by artists, makers, students, and community members at large as a resource - providing the raw materials for projects, assignments, and inspiration. Over the years, what you could find in the Bucket section constantly changed, but one thing stayed the same - you could fill a 5-gallon bucket with whatever treasures you found for just $5.

As our center has grown and changed over time, so have the needs of our community. After careful consideration, we have some bittersweet news to share - our beloved Bucket section will be disassembled to make space for a brand new educator’s area.

Where Bucket currently lives will become a hub for community and education - two tenets core to the ACR mission. Our current community space will have room to expand, allowing for ongoing ideas and inspiration that surround creative reuse. Our educator materials, which are currently spread throughout multiple locations in the center, will be condensed into a single location so teachers don’t have to spend their valuable time running around searching for what they need.

Don’t worry! You’ll still be able to purchase your favorite maker materials in bulk, however, they’ll now be found alongside their retail counterparts for ease of shopping. Instead of having to check two locations for an item or material, you’ll now just have to check one.

To celebrate the joy Bucket has brought to our community over the years, we are sending it off with a final sale! Sunday, March 17th will be the last day Bucket will exist in its current form, and we are offering 50% off all full buckets until then. We’re not saying goodbye to Bucket, we’re just saying you’ll see it around (the center).


Artist Spotlight: Leah Hummel


Staff Spotlight: Kallie Eller