Changes at Austin Creative Reuse


The Austin Creative Reuse Board of Directors would like to announce the departure of our Interim Executive Director, Kat Moulton. After six amazing years with ACR, it’s time for her to move onto her next adventure.

Kat started with ACR in 2018 as a reuse specialist after working many years in nonprofit management for disaster response organizations. ACR was supposed to be her “chill” job after years of stress, but her experience with organizational management had her moving up quickly as ACR grew. Let’s just say, the job did not stay “chill” for very long. Kat served as the right hand to our previous Executive Director, Jenn Evans, and when it was time for Jenn to move on (literally, to Denver), Kat filled the role as Interim with gusto (and a bit of prodding from the Board 😜). 

ACR has grown from small, all volunteer organization to a “11,000 sq ft building, 33 staff, hundreds of volunteers, thousands of shoppers” organization. It's a big ship and not very easy to steer, but the board is most thankful to Kat for helming that ship and bringing us through some rough waters.

We are infinitely grateful for the leadership, strategic direction and dedication she has shown as Interim Executive Director. We wish Kat the best of luck in her future endeavors and she will be profoundly missed.

But wait, what happens now?

Long time volunteer and board member, Carole LeClair, will take on the role of Board Transition Manager to ensure that the critical operations of our organization continue uninterrupted. This unpaid role will continue until sufficient organizational leadership is in place.   

Think you’d be a great fit to lead ACR into its next chapter? Be on the lookout for an upcoming job post!


Artist Spotlight: Hannah Nussbaum


Staff Spotlight: Sofia Jousmaki