City of Austin Shares Resources to Support Austin’s Local Circular Economy
Austin Creative Reuse is proud to have long-time partner Austin Resource Recovery (ARR) as a sponsor of this year’s Reuse on the Runway fashion show on November 4, 2022!
ARR’s Circular Economy Program offers resources for entrepreneurs and citizens to help grow the local circular economy. A circular economy is one that makes use of raw materials by reusing, repurposing, sharing and recycling them to their fullest extent.
Subscribe to ARR’s monthly Circular Economy e-newsletter to learn more about funding and resource opportunities, news and updates from programs like:
Give a Great Story: Consider shopping zero waste this holiday season.
Austin Reuse Directory: An online tool for Austinites to find where to donate, resell, buy responsibly, rent, and repair items, while supporting our local economy. If you have a business that contributes to the circular economy, fill out a listing form to be added.
Circular Enterprise Guide: An online resource guide that provides information on local programs, services, resources, community groups and regulations that may be relevant to local businesses seeking to be more circular.
ReVerse Pitch: A social entrepreneurship competition where competitors compete for prize money and create business concepts using would-be-waste from local businesses like ACR.
To learn more, visit
ACR Board President, Carole LeClair, helps fix a broken serger during an ARR Partner Fix It Clinic in June 2022.
ACR volunteer - and now staff member - Benjamin Sorrell shows how to hem pants during an ARR Partner Fix It Clinic in June 2022.
ACR Board Member, Nancy Lyon, lends her jewelry repair skills during an ARR Partner Fix It Clinic in June 2022.