May Reuse & [Re]Think Contest: Mardi Gras Beads


Mardi Gras parades sure know how to make an entrance, and Mardi Gras beads sure know how to stick around after the celebration is over! They’re a major contributor towards pollution and their iconic look means most people only see them for what they are. For the month of May, we’re challenging you to reimagine these fun accessories into something new and exciting. Let’s get the party started!


Once you’ve completed your creation, please provide at least 2 photos of your art piece, your contact info and a short description of materials used. Email your submission to by the deadline.

Creations will be judged on incorporation of reuse materials, craftsmanship, and creativity.

One winner will be notified and receive a $15 gift card to ACR that can be redeemed either in center or our online store. They will also be announced on our social media.

Deadline: 11:59PM on Wednesday, May 31st

Please feel free to email with any questions. Good luck!


April Reuse & [Re]Think Winner: Mimi A!


Sustainability Spotlight: Bike Kitty