Staff Spotlight: Jonathan Sanchez


Jonathan (he/him) is the reuse specialist who always has a smile on his face and a jovial laugh to go along with it! One of the key members of our staff that keeps our sections as organized as possible, follow along as we get to know him a little bit better and find out how he ended up at ACR on a whim!

How did you find Austin Creative Reuse?

I found out about ACR through handshake, I was looking for another work study job and I saw this listing for the retail position and thought “Hey, why not, sounds fun.”

What’s your favorite part about working at ACR?

The environment is for sure something I really enjoy about this job. Everyons treats each other like a little family which I think is cool since my last job it was just me and boss in the office. But my favorite is being able to find cool things in the store, it really helped me get my creative juices going again. 

How’d you end up as a reuse specialist at ACR?

Just by mere coincidence honestly. I had never heard of ACR nor ever been so my first day on the job was truly my first time ever even in the store. After looking for a job for so long on handshake I thought this job sounded the most easy going for a college student and told my self I needed to apply right thin and there. 

What’s the most interesting thing you’ve found donated to ACR?

I found this really cool vase this one time and was just mesmerized by it. The colors, the shape, the texture all of it just screamed to come home with me. 

Are you an artist, crafter, or maker? What mediums do you work with? 

I’d say I’m a jack of all trades. I draw/paint here and there with the occasional clay making craft. I also dabble in some sewing, mainly just hemming up big clothes I find at thrift stores or upcycling old clothes I don’t wear anymore. 

What do you do when you’re not working at ACR/what other hobbies do you have?

When I’m not working I’m either playing video games with friends, hanging out with friends, or working out/going on a run.

Do you have any children or pets?

I don’t have any children (pets) sadly.

Are you from Austin? And if not, where are you from?

I am not from Austin but I have been here for 3 going on 4 years. I am from the RGV (Rio grande valley) from a little town called Harlingen. 

We absolutely love having Jonathan on our team and are so glad he decided to take the chance on us when he saw a position open at ACR. Join us next month when we get to know another member of our fabulous staff!


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Artist Spotlight: Ana Vidina Hernández