Staff Spotlight: Julia Kunze

Each month, we highlight one of the incredible folks who make the magic happen at Austin Creative Reuse. For February, it's Reuse Specialist and Volunteer Facilitator, Julia Kunze! Julia is a dynamic powerhouse. She's a donations processing machine, leads groups of volunteers with ease, and can chat up folks about any type of project they're working on. She does all this for ACR while working another job, plus being one half of the creative duo behind Horse Misterys, a clothing brand she co-founded. How she does all this is a mistery to us! We consider ourselves very lucky to have her on our team!

How did you find Austin Creative Reuse?

I found it through friends when I first moved here.

What’s your favorite part about working at ACR?

I love my coworkers and I love seeing all of the materials coming in first hand. I love processing the most because I get to see all of the cool stuff- the fabric and notions. And I love that we provide a service to the community by providing very low-cost materials. 

Are you an artist, crafter, or maker? What mediums do you work with?

I’m an artist! I make wearable art clothing. I work with fabric and beautiful little trinkets. I am a tinker master. I collaborate with my friend Sophie!! We share ideas, materials, to create Horse Misterys. 

What do you do when you’re not working at ACR?

I have another job where I teach expressive art classes to adults with neurological disabilities, I make clothing for my brand Horse Misterys and have fashion shows and tell jokes! 

What’s the craziest thing you found in donation mountain?

I think the craziest thing that I’ve found is my love for sports. 

Julia’s Bio

Julia is an artist and collaborator. She loves horses, writing, making clothing and making friends. She has a clothing brand with her best friend called horse misterys and she just bought a Prius.

See more of Julia’s work on IG @horsemisterys


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February Reuse & [Re]Think Contest: Keys