Staff Spotlight: Madison Knapp


Each month, we highlight one of the incredible staff members that makes the magic happen at Austin Creative Reuse. This month, it’s Volunteer Coordinator, Madison Knapp (she/her)! It may be hard to believe, but Madison is the first Volunteer Coordinator in the history of ACR's existence! Pretty wild considering we were 100% volunteer run for six years! She started out as a core volunteer, then was hired on as a staff member in the fall of 2022. Her big ideas and go-getter attitude have already made a significant impact on our volunteer program.

Read more below about what brought her to ACR, and what she likes to do in her free time!

Why are you excited to be a part of the ACR fam?

The community is incredibly welcoming here. Everyone is so positive and it is a joy to come to work everyday. It is also exciting to make such a positive environmental impact. I’m a conservationist through and through so the reuse mission of ACR is really meaningful to me, plus I’m a big crafter so getting to combine one of my core causes with one of my main hobbies is really fulfilling for me.

What is your favorite part of being the Volunteer Coordinator?

I love making connections with volunteers and finding the right niche for each of them. I think maximizing people’s strengths and interests makes volunteering more fun, and also serves our mission best. It feels good to see the positive impact of the strong community of volunteers that ACR has.

How’d you end up as the Volunteer Coordinator at ACR?

Haha, the long way. In college, I studied Chemical Engineering and worked in a paper mill and brewery as a process engineer, which taught me I really didn’t want to be a chemical engineer (although my stint at Anheuser Busch’s research brewery was certainly interesting - and tasty!). So, with the goal of helping the environment, I worked for the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for a bit, but ultimately decided I wanted something more fulfilling. When the volunteer coordinator position for my favorite organization in Austin opened up, I jumped on the chance to make a much more direct and tangible positive environmental and community impact!

Any funny stories from your time at ACR?

On only my third day of work, we had the annual fashion show. It was supposed to be a sunny day, and would be a nice chance for me to get to know my coworkers, volunteers and ACR board members. The forecast lied. I ended up running through the rain, desperately bringing in spotlights, walking around the crowded store handing out hard seltzers to appease the damp crowd, and generally trying to help make the best of an unfortunate situation. At the end of it, I was soaked to the bone, dead on my feet, and returned home around midnight. I was stoked to come back the next week for another big adventure!

Do you have any children or pets?

Yes! I have an adorable cat named Tody who loves to sit in my lap whenever I am home. I also have a blue heeler mix named Ani who I enjoy getting to throw a ball for. While I don’t have any kids, I did recently get married to my husband (and sometimes begrudging ACR volunteer), Rob.

Are you from Austin? If not, where are you from?

Like most people here, unfortunately not. We moved here in 2021 from Tuscaloosa, Alabama. But chances are, I’ve lived somewhere you’re from! I’ve lived all over the country (Virginia, Indiana, North Carolina, Colorado, Alabama, Tennessee, Washington, Missouri, and now Texas). Of all the places I’ve lived, Austin has the best food and breweries by far! 

What kind of art/ crafts do you like to do?

I love to learn new things! Which is a very dangerous trait when you work at ACR… haha. I always circle back to paper crafts like origami, card making and paper quilling (and often combine the three). Since working at ACR, I’ve picked up sewing garments and even sewed my own wedding dress! I’ve also been enjoying cross stitch and needle felting a lot lately.

What other hobbies do you have?

I love to spend time outdoors! Be that on a trail with my doggo, at a backcountry campsite with my husband, or on a brewery’s porch sipping a crisp pilsner. I also love to cook dishes from all over the world, and push the limits on how much garlic a dish can handle, haha. I love going on ridiculously long road trips and traveling abroad when I get the chance.

About Madison:

Madison is an endlessly curious adventurer and creator. An avid traveler and hiker, her love for the outdoors fuels her passion for conservation and protecting our natural spaces. She loves asking how, learning new things, and coming up with unconventional ways to approach everyday challenges. Around Austin, you can catch Madison at her favorite brewery, dancing her heart out at a concert, or hiking with her doggo at the greenbelt.


Volunteer Spotlight: Meagan Combs


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