Staff Spotlight: Peyton Sims


The creative talent that the ACR staff possesses is absolutely OFF THE CHARTS, and our wonderful retail reuse specialist, Peyton Sims (she/her), is no exception. Continue reading below to learn more about her, see some of her amazing photography and art, and pics of her pets, of course!

How did you find Austin Creative Reuse?

My friend Jade kept telling me about this cool reuse-craft store in Austin, and she eventually took me to ACR! It didn't take long for ACR to become my go-to craft store after that.

What’s your favorite part about working at ACR?

I love going into work knowing that it will feel like I'm treasure hunting whenever I'm shelving. I never know what new friends I'll find to add to my knick-knack collection, and that's the best part.

How’d you end up as a reuse specialist at ACR?

After graduating from UT-Austin this past summer with my Bachelor's in Journalism, I was looking for a part-time job while I simultaneously worked on my portfolio. When I saw a job opening for ACR, I couldn't imagine a more perfect job that related to all of my hobbies! 

What’s the most interesting thing you’ve found donated to ACR?

While I've found plenty of interesting things, I tend to be drawn to the donated letters/photographs that are in our vintage section. There's something so eerie about something so personal being donated. 

Are you an artist, crafter, or maker? What mediums do you work with?

I have a lot of different craft-hobbies! Besides photography, I also make jewelry, stationary, collages, printmaking, and more. I've been experimenting with mixed media lately which has been a fun learning process. 

What do you do when you’re not working at ACR/what other hobbies do you have?

When I'm not working at ACR, I'm running my photography business, crafting, or freelancing. And when I get to relax, I cherish cozy-nights in with my cats and my partner Assad.

Do you have any children or pets?

I have two beautiful cat children –– Ru and Birdi. I'm also raising jumping spiders and Luna Moths!

Are you from Austin? And if not, where are you from?

I'm from Texarkana, Texas –– it's a small town that sits on the edge of both Texas and Arkansas. 

Where can people see more of your art?


Amazing photographs, right?! Thank you, Peyton, for sharing your art with us and your lovely air of calmness in our center.

Don’t forget to join us next month to meet another one of ACR’s superstar employees!


Reuse & [Re]Think Challenge: Shells


Artist Spotlight: Leah Hummel