Staff Spotlight: Tanya Marin


Each month, we highlight one of our incredible staff that makes the magic happen here at Austin Creative Reuse. This month, it’s Communications Specialist, Tanya Marin! Tanya joined the ACR team as a Reuse Specialist in the fall of 2021. They’ve quickly become an integral member of the team, planning a community ofrenda for Día de Muertos, leading volunteer groups, and processing donations like a champ. They were recently promoted to the Communications Specialist position and we couldn’t be happier to have someone with their experience and perspective to tell the story of ACR. Learn more about Tanya below and be sure to check out their tutorial for creating spooky containers!

How did you find Austin Creative Reuse?

I found ACR randomly at the Lincoln Center when I went to watch a movie at AFS! The logo caught my eye and I looked it up on Google to see what it was all about. The first day I went in to explore, I was instantly hooked.

What’s your favorite part about working at ACR?

My coworkers, the local community, and the volunteers. I’m continuously inspired by the people around me, the art that they make, and how their creativity is expressed through different mediums.

Are you an artist, crafter, or maker? What mediums do you work with?

Yes, yes, and yes. As an artist I use photography, art direction, music, fashion design, and self portraits as a means for which to better understand my own identity as I reconnect with my indigenous roots and explore intergenerational trauma. I love felting, cross-stitching, cake decorating, and sewing to craft gifts for my loved ones. Lastly, I make jewelry, coasters, and other items out of resin - the combinations of glitter, color, dried flowers, and content are endless!

What do you do when you’re not working at ACR?

I take lots of walks with my dog, Zihua, watch movies, and play video games. Oh, and make stuff, of course.

What’s the craziest thing you found in donation mountain?

Some of the sock puppets and dolls that people have donated are pretty wild! They’re either outrageously kooky or just plain creepy. Both of which I love!

About Tanya:

Born in Mexico, raised in Houston, and a long-term Austinite, Tanya is a humanist and an artist that seeks to reconnect with their community and their indigenous roots through various art forms. One of their proudest achievements is directing, producing, and starring in a concept music video for traditional folk song “La Llorona” which was selected to be screened at Cine Las Americas International Film Festival in 2019. Other interests include costume design, resin pouring, photography, all things spooky, video games, sewing, filmmaking, and drag. Learn more about them at their IG: @meat_bot


Artist Spotlight: Jennifer Himstedt


Make: Spooky Upcycled Containers