Volunteer Spotlight: Deb Peterson


What motivates you to volunteer? 

I am motivated to volunteer because I want to help my community, and I love spending time around like-minded people!


Why ACR? 

I chose to volunteer at ACR because it's important for me to work in a positive and inclusive environment, where volunteers are appreciated, and really do make a difference. 


Are you more into the arts aspect of ACR or the conservation aspect and why?

I love that ACR combines providing an abundance of affordable creative art supplies for the Arts Community, while keeping them out of the landfills. 

The combination is a win-win for people and the planet!


How long have you volunteered with ACR?  

I have been volunteering with ACR since the beginning of Covid, around June of 2020, but was only working at home till March 2021. I was so happy to be able to come in-person after getting vaccinated! So, I've been here for about a year and a half.


Where else have/do you volunteer? 

I have volunteered at my kid's schools when they were young, with NAMI (National Association on Mental Illness), and Assistance League of Austin. 


What do you enjoy the most out of volunteering at ACR? 

The thing I enjoy most about ACR is the very welcoming and appreciative attitude toward all of the volunteers. Everyone is happy to help and listen to our input.


Do you have any interesting or funny stories about something that happened while you were volunteering at ACR?

Myself and 2 other volunteers sort, bag and price the beads, gemstones and anything else that one could use to make jewelry. We get so excited when new donations come in, that we gather around all of the hidden treasures to admire and talk about them. One of the employees always mentions how cute we are to get so excited about it. It's so fun to find new treasures from trash!

Here are a couple of Deb’s creations!


Make: DIY Tiger Puppet


Artist Spotlight: Cindy Mills