Volunteer Spotlight: Elizabeth Barnes
ACR would seriously not be possible without our amazing team of core volunteers! They bring their dedication and expertise to our organization every day and help make ACR the fun and welcoming place it is. This January, we are putting a spotlight on one of those amazing core volunteers - Elizabeth Barnes. “ACR allows me to flex different parts of my brain and connect with amazing people,” she says. Whether leading volunteer groups or promoting ACR at community events, Elizabeth finds joy in the diverse volunteer roles. She’s also passionate about supporting global causes, in addition to her role with the City of Austin Parks and Recreation.
Keep reading to learn more about Elizabeth’s volunteer journey and creative projects!
What motivates you to volunteer?
I love everything about volunteering with Austin Creative Reuse! The work is incredibly fun and fulfilling. I've met so many kind, enthusiastic, and creative people of all ages. ACR has super organized, flexible, and appreciative volunteer management. I get to use my hands, flex different parts of my brain, and choose the opportunities that play to my interests and strengths. My go-to's are leading volunteer groups and extolling ACR's virtues at community events, but I've met other core volunteers with other delightful specializations like button sorting and sewing machine repair. What's not to love?
Do you volunteer elsewhere?
I do! I lived for two years in Xela in the western highlands of Guatemala, where I volunteered and then worked for the grassroots Guatemalan nonprofit 32 Volcanes.
When I moved back to Texas in 2017, I joined the board of its U.S.-based sister nonprofit, Foundation Todos Juntos. In partnership with FTJ, 32 Volcanes treats malnutrition in children, provides free and low-cost healthcare (including mental healthcare and physical therapy!), supports education with scholarships and after-school care, and more. Serving on the board of FTJ is super different than volunteering with ACR, but it's close to my heart!
What do you do for work?
I work for City of Austin Parks and Recreation. I've seen just enough of Parks and Rec to confirm that it's accurate!
My team, Community PARKnerships, coordinates partnerships with community groups and nonprofits that serve parks. Someone identifies a need in their local park, like removing invasive plants or creating opportunities for neighbors to enjoy the space together, and we work with them to make it happen. Good stuff!
Are you more into the art aspect of ACR or the conservation aspect and why?
Both! Have you seen the Sesame Street masterpiece "Somethin' Old Into Somethin' New"? It's my ACR anthem -- a funky bop that really embodies the art AND conservation spirit of ACR.
What do you enjoy the most about volunteering at ACR?
The people! Every time I strike up a conversation in Volunteer Land, I am blown away by people's warmth, generosity, and creativity. I love asking what artsy things people are into -- like illustrating book edges with acrylic markers, how cool is that? Once I told a very nice volunteer, Gustavo, that I worked for Austin Parks & Rec, and the next time I saw him he gave me a homemade cross stitch of Li'l Sebastian. Sorry, what? Excuse me?? That's maybe the loveliest thing that's ever happened to me. ACR volunteers are just the best.
What creative projects are you more proud of?
I dabble in card making, baked goods decorating, collage, embroidery, and jewelry-making, usually for friends and family. I love trying new art forms in ACR workshops and first learned to embroider and make pop-up cards that way!
I'm always proud to give a homemade gift that I've put my heart into. The blue E in the Volunteer Land sign is an expression of my love for ACR.